I`ve had the intention to write this article for over a month, but only now I`m doing it. This article will speak out about a law proposition which came from 2 Members of Parliament from Cluj country, and it`s talking about the keeping of all properties which had belonged to Greek-Catholic Church by the Ortodox church (law 368/2007).
Greek-Catholic`s Church properties were sequestrated by the Law Decree 348 / 1 december 1948, through which, all properties of Greek-Catholic Church were taken by the state and were given to Orthodox Church, and the entire ierarchy (bishops, archbishop , and priests) was arested.
After the fallen of the comunist regime, in December 1989, were given many laws which stipulate that all the properties who belonged to Greek-Catholic Church should be returned. But, the Orthodox Church refuses to give back the churches, reason for what, many churches are subject of dispute issue in Justice, even at European Court of Human Rights from Haga.
I`m not going to hide or deny that I`m a Greek-Catholic, but not this is the theme of the present article. The theme of this article is a debate on the law proposition 368/2007.
It seems that after 20 years spent from the so called "Romanian Revolution", which brought once with the freedom of speech, also the freedom of show clearly the religious confession, and gave the freedom of Greek-Catholicism, in our Parliament still continue to exist some comunists, who forgot about the laws given which say that all the properties of Greek-Catholic Church taken by force in December 1948 should be restituted in integrum. They now try, incited by the Metropolitan Seat of Transiylvania of Orthodox Church from Cluj-Napoca to give this law in order not to return all the properties taken.
I would like to remember to this 2 Members of the Parliament to read the History of Romania and about the major importance of Greek-Catholic Church, in Transylvania, from it`s foundation (1701) till the Great Unification from 1 December 1918 and not only, till 1 December 1948. In 2 and half centuries of history, the Greek-Catholic Church was the defender of political and civil rights of romanians, fighting for the recognition of this rights for them. They also, through "Scoala Ardeleana" and it`s leader, Petru Maior, Gheorghe Sincai, tried to convince the political power in Transylvania about the continuity of latinity in Transylvania through the romanians, in order to receive the rights. Another fight of romanians was the "Memorandum Movement", which asked from authorities same rights for romanians. This movement has been led by the bishops of both churches, Greek-Catholic and Orthodox, and the political and clerical elites of Greek-Catholic Church were involved: Gheorghe Pop de Basesti, Stefan Cicio Pop...
Don`t forget please, that, maybe, without Greek-Catholic Church, Romania wouldn`t have been what is today. The Greek-Catholic Church teached romanians to write, read, account, the national conscience, also, the person who had read "The Proclamation of Unification" in 1 Decedmber 1918 was the Bishop Iuliu Hossu. And there were also other politicians, like Iuliu Maniu and Alexandru Vaida-Voevod who served Romania`s interest, were Greek-Catholics.
Do not ignore the historical importance of this church in Romania`s history, just because you want some properties, churches, lands or houses.
So, this law would be against Human Rights, (right of show publicly your religion), against Romanian Constitution. Shame on you, dear Members of Parliament for trying to keep down the democracy and the restitution of the properties which belonged and belong to Greek-Catholic according to the law.
Greek-Catholic`s Church properties were sequestrated by the Law Decree 348 / 1 december 1948, through which, all properties of Greek-Catholic Church were taken by the state and were given to Orthodox Church, and the entire ierarchy (bishops, archbishop , and priests) was arested.
After the fallen of the comunist regime, in December 1989, were given many laws which stipulate that all the properties who belonged to Greek-Catholic Church should be returned. But, the Orthodox Church refuses to give back the churches, reason for what, many churches are subject of dispute issue in Justice, even at European Court of Human Rights from Haga.
I`m not going to hide or deny that I`m a Greek-Catholic, but not this is the theme of the present article. The theme of this article is a debate on the law proposition 368/2007.
It seems that after 20 years spent from the so called "Romanian Revolution", which brought once with the freedom of speech, also the freedom of show clearly the religious confession, and gave the freedom of Greek-Catholicism, in our Parliament still continue to exist some comunists, who forgot about the laws given which say that all the properties of Greek-Catholic Church taken by force in December 1948 should be restituted in integrum. They now try, incited by the Metropolitan Seat of Transiylvania of Orthodox Church from Cluj-Napoca to give this law in order not to return all the properties taken.
I would like to remember to this 2 Members of the Parliament to read the History of Romania and about the major importance of Greek-Catholic Church, in Transylvania, from it`s foundation (1701) till the Great Unification from 1 December 1918 and not only, till 1 December 1948. In 2 and half centuries of history, the Greek-Catholic Church was the defender of political and civil rights of romanians, fighting for the recognition of this rights for them. They also, through "Scoala Ardeleana" and it`s leader, Petru Maior, Gheorghe Sincai, tried to convince the political power in Transylvania about the continuity of latinity in Transylvania through the romanians, in order to receive the rights. Another fight of romanians was the "Memorandum Movement", which asked from authorities same rights for romanians. This movement has been led by the bishops of both churches, Greek-Catholic and Orthodox, and the political and clerical elites of Greek-Catholic Church were involved: Gheorghe Pop de Basesti, Stefan Cicio Pop...
Don`t forget please, that, maybe, without Greek-Catholic Church, Romania wouldn`t have been what is today. The Greek-Catholic Church teached romanians to write, read, account, the national conscience, also, the person who had read "The Proclamation of Unification" in 1 Decedmber 1918 was the Bishop Iuliu Hossu. And there were also other politicians, like Iuliu Maniu and Alexandru Vaida-Voevod who served Romania`s interest, were Greek-Catholics.
Do not ignore the historical importance of this church in Romania`s history, just because you want some properties, churches, lands or houses.
So, this law would be against Human Rights, (right of show publicly your religion), against Romanian Constitution. Shame on you, dear Members of Parliament for trying to keep down the democracy and the restitution of the properties which belonged and belong to Greek-Catholic according to the law.
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