By beginning my every day with a portion of news, in order to find out what had happened in the night. I have realised that, we are living a very cruel world, in which everyone is searching only his profit and to get rich.
There is no week, since when I arrived home, 11th january, not to hear at news, in all TV channels, that in Romania people are dying in hospitals because of doctor`s incompetency or careless. Maybe, the most of the doctor`s involved are not interested in the cases which they confront because they don`t get anything from the pacient. We, the pacients, or the communist regime teached the doctors to ask bribery, and now they expect their envelops to be as fat as possible. In one month died because of doctor`s careless/incompetency aproximately 5 people, and one little baby broke his leg. The doctor`s treated the child with compress with water. INCOMPETENCY!
My oppinion is that if the medical system would offer to the doctors more conditions, motivation (financially speaking and not only), tools, trust, possibility to affirmation our system would be a performant one, because, good doctors we have, thank God, but they can`t affirm their potential because they are the old doctors, who should stay home already who are taking young doctor`s position. I don`t say that an old doctor it`s not good, he has an advatage, his career and his experience, but sometimes they can`t face the new wave of technology or they can`t resist to maintained stress for a long period, and they are starting to collapse. When i say odd doctors i mean the doctor`s which have 75-80 years old and they don`t teach the young in order to remain indispensable on that post, and continue his career. I think that young dctors should be promoted, well payed and maintained in the system.
Another subject I would like to speak about in this post, and it is bothering me, is the case of airplane companies who are not offering informations and accomodation when a flight is delayed or canceled. In the last week only, I heard 3 or 4 cases of flights, delayed or canceled, in which the passengers where totally out of knowing something about the trip they should do. I observed that this thing is happening, mostly, in the cases of low cost airplanes companies.
First case, it was a flight, Bucharest-Vienna, in which the passengers had to wait more than 10 hours to finally find out something. It came then the turn of a Bucharest-Dublin flight, same happened. The most worse 2 cases involved pupils, form Romania, which because of the weather, they remained in UK. Which part is bad in this 4 cases? The passengers had to support the accomodation prices, in stead thee company to offer them accomodation ( host, food) , till the the next flight available.
It happened to me too, not to be able to fly in the day my flight was planned, because the flight was canceled, but the company ( Malev), assured use accomodation in hotel, with all included. We (my mom, my grandmother and I) were checked in at Villa Braida from Mogliano.
It`s not passenger`s fault that the airplane can`t fly, so the company should take care of him, and to do all possible to send him safe to the destination. The companies are trying to have a lot of customers, but he most of them are not offering to the passengers the basic in case of delay or cancel flight.
And the last subject I proposed to aproach is the case of Romanian national team`s handball player, Marian Cozma, which is a great loss. It`s a sad moment when a 26 years old athlete, loses his life in an incident like this.

It`s sad when the wings of a young tallent are broken in such a cruel incident. Everyone who spoke about Marian, presented him as a BECOMING STAR, a big tallent. MAY GOD REST HIM IN PEACE! and the guys who did this to pay very harshly.
My oppinion is that if the medical system would offer to the doctors more conditions, motivation (financially speaking and not only), tools, trust, possibility to affirmation our system would be a performant one, because, good doctors we have, thank God, but they can`t affirm their potential because they are the old doctors, who should stay home already who are taking young doctor`s position. I don`t say that an old doctor it`s not good, he has an advatage, his career and his experience, but sometimes they can`t face the new wave of technology or they can`t resist to maintained stress for a long period, and they are starting to collapse. When i say odd doctors i mean the doctor`s which have 75-80 years old and they don`t teach the young in order to remain indispensable on that post, and continue his career. I think that young dctors should be promoted, well payed and maintained in the system.
Another subject I would like to speak about in this post, and it is bothering me, is the case of airplane companies who are not offering informations and accomodation when a flight is delayed or canceled. In the last week only, I heard 3 or 4 cases of flights, delayed or canceled, in which the passengers where totally out of knowing something about the trip they should do. I observed that this thing is happening, mostly, in the cases of low cost airplanes companies.
First case, it was a flight, Bucharest-Vienna, in which the passengers had to wait more than 10 hours to finally find out something. It came then the turn of a Bucharest-Dublin flight, same happened. The most worse 2 cases involved pupils, form Romania, which because of the weather, they remained in UK. Which part is bad in this 4 cases? The passengers had to support the accomodation prices, in stead thee company to offer them accomodation ( host, food) , till the the next flight available.
It happened to me too, not to be able to fly in the day my flight was planned, because the flight was canceled, but the company ( Malev), assured use accomodation in hotel, with all included. We (my mom, my grandmother and I) were checked in at Villa Braida from Mogliano.
It`s not passenger`s fault that the airplane can`t fly, so the company should take care of him, and to do all possible to send him safe to the destination. The companies are trying to have a lot of customers, but he most of them are not offering to the passengers the basic in case of delay or cancel flight.
And the last subject I proposed to aproach is the case of Romanian national team`s handball player, Marian Cozma, which is a great loss. It`s a sad moment when a 26 years old athlete, loses his life in an incident like this.

It`s sad when the wings of a young tallent are broken in such a cruel incident. Everyone who spoke about Marian, presented him as a BECOMING STAR, a big tallent. MAY GOD REST HIM IN PEACE! and the guys who did this to pay very harshly.
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