27 feb. 2009


Hi, everyone!

Last night, watching the football match between AC Milan and Werder Bremen, from the last 16 of UEFA Cup, I lived a big disappointment, seeing that my favourite team, the rossoneri, (AC Milan) were dominated home by the german team, and, even if they had the lead at the pause with 2-0, by the goals of Pirlo, from penalty and Pato, the match finished equal, 2-2, and the italian team was eliminated from this competition.

The german team had a good control of the ball for a good period, they played very fast and attacked Dida`s goal, letting often AC Milan`s defense frozen and spectator to it`s game.

It seems that "the italian period" in european football is over, that period, when the the italian team made the law on the field, and every team who had to face a italian team were doomed... Juventus, Inter, Roma, lost their matches in the first leg of UEFA Champions League, with english teams, and Sampdoria, Fiorentina and AC Milan were eliminated last night from UEFA Cup.

25 feb. 2009

Hey everyone! I present you Timisoara in some images....

It has been a while from my last article. Today, I proposed to myself to show Timisoara in images and promiss that next time it will more photos. I say this, because, now in February, it was cold and it snowed, but I promissed myself that, next time I`ll be visiting Timisoara, I take the map and adventure on the streets and capture everything I`ll think that deserves my attention, and it won`t be in winter. At all!

In Timisoara, I was surprised by the cold air and the flurry, being paralised inside the house for 3 days. I was angry on this situation but I couldn`t do anything to stop it...

On the way back to home, in Banat, the snow was big... look at the pictres....

In the end of this post I would like to post a beautiful song about Timisoara... played by Genius, a music group from the shores of Bega river...

16 feb. 2009

The sun is shining, but this doesn`t mean is everything quite ok

Hi! to my readers and greetings from Timisoara, the city which is laying on the shores of Bega River. I remember that I told you in one of my previous posts that I have the intention to come to Timisoara. Well, I`ve done it. I`m here, and very well. But on the way to Timisoara, in the train which brought me here, a Blue Arrow, I met a friend I didn`t expect, and which very hardly recognised him. His name is Radu Bosa, a guy from Targu-Mures, which was member of AIESEC in Bucharest for3 years.

I almost didn`t recognise him, brcause he was wearing his glasses, and I wasn`t use to see him with. But on the way to Timisoara, we spoke about our new preocupations, plans for future. It was snowing very blizzardly, so the train had late formor more than one hour. After a cloudy & cold week-end, the sun started to shine today, even if in the morning was snowing. This is the good part.

The bad part is that yesterday, it took place "il grande derby" of Milan city, between Inter Milan and AC Milan.

The "nerazzurri", Inter, won the match, thanks to goal scored by hand by Adriano, a second "Hand of God".

It was a spectaciular derby, in which, the goalkeepers has a lotto work, and they remarked thenselves through very beautiful parades, in front of Ibrahimovici, Ronaldinho, Inzaghi, Pato or Seedorf.

At the pause, Inter was leasing by 2 goals, Dejan Stankovic scores a beauriful goal. Pato have reduced the difference, and Inzaghi scored a goal, which was finally canceled for offside.

So, I feel a little bit sad, because my favourites, AC Milan, lost the game because of one injustice. The refferees are human too, and I hope he had been mistaken, because he didn`t see, "erare humanun est". If he didn`t want to say to rhe central referee that is was hands, it`s another case of corruption, in Serie A. Let`s remain to the supposition that referee didn`t observe that Adriano had touched the ball with his hand, wittingly.

9 feb. 2009

We are living in a crazy world... Where to or QVO VADIS?

By beginning my every day with a portion of news, in order to find out what had happened in the night. I have realised that, we are living a very cruel world, in which everyone is searching only his profit and to get rich.

There is no week, since when I arrived home, 11th january, not to hear at news, in all TV channels, that in Romania people are dying in hospitals because of doctor`s incompetency or careless. Maybe, the most of the doctor`s involved are not interested in the cases which they confront because they don`t get anything from the pacient. We, the pacients, or the communist regime teached the doctors to ask bribery, and now they expect their envelops to be as fat as possible. In one month died because of doctor`s careless/incompetency aproximately 5 people, and one little baby broke his leg. The doctor`s treated the child with compress with water. INCOMPETENCY!

My oppinion is that if the medical system would offer to the doctors more conditions, motivation (financially speaking and not only), tools, trust, possibility to affirmation our system would be a performant one, because, good doctors we have, thank God, but they can`t affirm their potential because they are the old doctors, who should stay home already who are taking young doctor`s position. I don`t say that an old doctor it`s not good, he has an advatage, his career and his experience, but sometimes they can`t face the new wave of technology or they can`t resist to maintained stress for a long period, and they are starting to collapse. When i say odd doctors i mean the doctor`s which have 75-80 years old and they don`t teach the young in order to remain indispensable on that post, and continue his career. I think that young dctors should be promoted, well payed and maintained in the system.

Another subject I would like to speak about in this post, and it is bothering me, is the case of airplane companies who are not offering informations and accomodation when a flight is delayed or canceled. In the last week only, I heard 3 or 4 cases of flights, delayed or canceled, in which the passengers where totally out of knowing something about the trip they should do. I observed that this thing is happening, mostly, in the cases of low cost airplanes companies.

First case, it was a flight, Bucharest-Vienna, in which the passengers had to wait more than 10 hours to finally find out something. It came then the turn of a Bucharest-Dublin flight, same happened. The most worse 2 cases involved pupils, form Romania, which because of the weather, they remained in UK. Which part is bad in this 4 cases? The passengers had to support the accomodation prices, in stead thee company to offer them accomodation ( host, food) , till the the next flight available.

It happened to me too, not to be able to fly in the day my flight was planned, because the flight was canceled, but the company ( Malev), assured use accomodation in hotel, with all included. We (my mom, my grandmother and I) were checked in at Villa Braida from Mogliano.

It`s not passenger`s fault that the airplane can`t fly, so the company should take care of him, and to do all possible to send him safe to the destination. The companies are trying to have a lot of customers, but he most of them are not offering to the passengers the basic in case of delay or cancel flight.

And the last subject I proposed to aproach is the case of Romanian national team`s handball player, Marian Cozma, which is a great loss. It`s a sad moment when a 26 years old athlete, loses his life in an incident like this.

It`s sad when the wings of a young tallent are broken in such a cruel incident. Everyone who spoke about Marian, presented him as a BECOMING STAR, a big tallent. MAY GOD REST HIM IN PEACE! and the guys who did this to pay very harshly.

7 feb. 2009

O a doua leapsa... INSOMNIA

Incepand cu leapsa primita de la Dorin,

si transmiterea ei mai depate, am intrat, se pare, intr-un cerc vicios al leapselor pe blog. Ei bine, dupa ce i-am pasat Cameliei o leapsa, am primit si eu una de la ea. Cica, tema suna asa: "Voi la ce vă gândiți când nu dormiți noaptea?", adica in "voi" sunt nominalizat si eu.
Ei bine, haideti sa va spun la ce ma gandesc eu, cand am insomnii si nu pot dormi noaptea, sau ce imi cauzeaza o insomnie.
Cele mai puternice insomnii, care ma tin treaz pana la ore inaintate in noapte sunt cele induse de anumite sentimente, raspunsuri primite sau cautate. Un exemplu, va dau: cea mai puternica insomnie mi-a fost cauzata de AIESEC, in momentul in care dupa ce-mi depusesem candidatura pentru OCP (Organising Committee President), adica coordonator principal al proiectului World Citizenship 2008 si am aflat ca nu am fost ales eu, ci Claudiu.

Imi cautam raspunsuri, si le motivam prin faptul ca participasem la doua conferinte exact pe track-ul (nisa, arie) necesar al organizarii proiectului: la Brasov, la Functionala, in timp ce eu participam pe Aria de projects, Educational, Claudiu era pe HR, preocupat de organizarea recrutarii; iar la Semenic la RockMe, am participat la aria de Exchange, atat de necesara si vitala proiectului. Si totusi am fost lasat pe dinafara. O alta motivatie aveam ca eu participasem in echipa organizatorica si anul precedent, si stiam exact problemele cu care ne confruntaseram. Ma vedeam vorbind cu cei din EB (executive board-conducerea localului AIESEC), argumentandu-le toate astea si facandu-i sa-si schimbe ideea, sau daca nu eram gata sa ies in clipa urmatoare din AIESEC. Dar n-am facut-o, iesirea din AIESEC.
O insomnie mai poate fi cauzata in cazul de fata in momentele in care "mi se aprind calcaiele si urechile" dupa vreo fata, si incerc sa-mi stabilesc strategii de cucerire a persoanei respective.
In unele momente cand nu pot dormi, ma gandesc, cum ar fi fost, daca, nu m-as fi imbolnavit la varsta de un an de Encefalita sau n-as fi facut complicatiile bolii mele, la 13-14 ani, cand am inceput crizele de Epilepsie. Si gandu-mi zboara departe la, oare ce studii as fi facut, unde (eu visand sa fac facultatea la Timisoara), ce as fi devenit. Dar apoi gandu-mi aduce mereu aminte, ca totusi Dumnezeu trebuie sa-mi fii stabilit totusi un destin bun, ca trebuie sa fac ceva, maret ca nu degeaba mi-a salvat viata in acel sfarsit de mai, inceput de iunie 1982, cand eram la un pas de moarte si doctorii nu-mi mai dadeau zile.
Si acum au inceput gandurile sa se lege, pentru ca ma gandesc sa intru in politica si chiar in diplomatie, cine stie, daca voi reusi, dupa terminarea studiilor de master. Simt ca, cu ideile mele de innoire si de reformare a clasei politice, as putea sa fac cariera in acest cadru. Uneori ma gandesc cum ar fi, daca in Romania nu s-ar fura asa ca in codru, cine stie, poate eram deja demult in elita europeana, sau daca nu am fi trait in comunism 50 de ani, cine stie unde eram, sau cum ar fi aratat Romania, monarhie.
Uneori nu pot dormi, datorita insomniilor si ma apuc sa citesc. In momentul de fata citesc Schorske, Carl - Viena, fin de siecle. Cartea e una foarte buna si interesanta. V-o recomand si voua. Tot noptile cand eram bantuit de insomnii am citit si seria de romane istorice Regii Blestemati, apoi Nasul, de vreo 7 ori, Shogun, Tradarea si altele.
Uneori ma uit la televizor si prind cate un film bun, incat uit sa programez televizorul sa se stinga si merge saracutul de el, pana in zori.
Alteori, in momente in care sunt bantuit de cate vreo insomnie, prefer sa-mi fac autocritica, sa caut idei, sa fac planuri, eu si cu mine. Ultima oara, cand am facut asta, mi-am propus sa-mi gasesc ceva de lucru, sa-mi iau examenele la master, si de ce nu, sa cuceresc o fata.
Acum la final, va las sa va destindeti sau poate a adormiti (cine stie?) cu o melodie potrivita temei discutate...Faithless - Insomnia

Aaaa, era sa uit de partea cea mia frumoasa a leapsei... sa vedem cu se preocupa cand sunt bantuiti de insomnie, Cosmin, Nicoleta (a.k.a. Delphin Girl), Ilinca, Ilincuta si de ce nu, Suciulica.

P.S. Incepand cu urmatorul post, blogul meu va face "switch to CNN", deoarece mi-am dat seama ca am prieteni si in strainatate, in mare parte AIESEC-eri, si poate ei isi doresc sa citeasca sau sa afle gandurile mele. Totodata, daca in exprimarea gandurilor mele in limba lui Shakespeare, vor aparea greseli, si sunt sigur ca vor aparea, va rog, dragi prieteni, nu ezitati sa mi le semnalati, pentru ca aceasta sa poata fi corectate in timp real.
Va multumesc....

4 feb. 2009

A venit vacanta\ Cu trenu` din... Romania

He,he... stiu ca nu e bine sa te bucuri, cand altii sunt tristi si chinuiti, dar eu unul pot rasufla usurat pentru ca de aseara sunt in vacanta. Bafta!, tuturor celor ce mai sustineti examene aceasta saptamana!
Situatia din catalog la mine, arata ca am promovat 3 examene din 5 ( cu nota maxima ;))), la cel de de ieri astept nota, iar la unul nu m-am prezentat cu nimic (ar fi trebuit sa fac un eseu de 15 pagini la "Modernitate si Elite", cursul domnului Paraianu, pe care l-am lasat pe stresiunea urmatoare).
Deci, pentru aproape 2 saptamani sunt in vacanta. Ma gandesc la o escapada in minunatul oras de pe malurile Begai, Timisoara, sa ma duc sa-mi vizitez bunicul.
Dar cum de la ganduri la fapte e o cale foarte lunga, las timpul sa decida daca imi poarta sau nu pasii intr-acolo...
Asadar, dragi prieteni studenti, pe oriunde v-ati afla, in "stresiune" in acest moment, va urez Bafta! la toate celelalte examene pe care le veti sustine, si sa va bucurati de perioada de "dezintoxicare" a.k.a. VACANTA