30 mar. 2009

S-a stins Luminitza tricololorilor... Bye-Bye to WC 2010 South Africa

Sambata, 28.o3.2009, cand majoritatea lumii a stins lumina in semn de respect pentru "Ora Pamantului", echipa nationala de fotbal a Romaniei spera cu ochii deschisi sa prinda "luminita de la capatul tunelului" si sa prinda Ultimul tren spre Mondialul sud-african din 2010.

Prieteniii mei, dadeau pronosticuri foarte generoase si optimiste cu victorii ale Romaniei. Eu, mai circumspect din fire, am dat un rezultat neverosimil, undeva la 0-4, 0-5, stiind ca sarbii au avut intotdeauna o adevarata scoala de fotbal in Balcani, si ne-au cam batut de fiecare cand ne-au prins.

Sambata, Serbia a reusit sa stinga lumina de la farul din Constanta si a nationalei Romaniei.

Am ramas cu "vedetismele" noastre de Dambovita. Dupa ce Lituania "ne-a tras-o" urat de tot la Cluj, cu un neverosimil 0-3, si un succes fragil cu Insulele Farroe, un egal pe malul marii la Constanta cu Franta, s-a terminat totul, intr-o maniera balcanica. Presa, toata, fie ea de specialitate sau nu, promova victoria Romaniei, insa "socoteala de-acasa nu se potriveste cu cea din targ" si Serbia ne-a batut cu 2-3.

Poate ar fi trebuit sa li se tina o sedinta de motivare jucatorilor tricolori, unde sa vizioneze un film tematic, motivational - "Peaceful Warrior". Acum totul e tarziu.

Daca vrem sa avem o echipa nationala la Campionatul Mondial ai nevoie de ECHIPA. Cand ai doar 2-3 oameni care joaca, iar ceilalti se cam trag pe cur, si au doar fite de vedete in cap, nu vom putea face niciodata nimic. Vom sta acasa. Va mai trece multa apa pe Dunare in jos, pana echipa nationala de fotbal va ajunge la un turneu final de Campionat European sau Mondial.

Fratilor, trebuie schimbata mentalitatea, trebuie sa fii motivat. Cand reprezinti tara in echipa nationala, trebuie sa fugi pe tot terenul, sa manci pamantul, "sa le rupi picioarele" tuturor adversarilor, sa fii determinat.

Eu nu am vazut mai nimic din toate astea sambata. Am vazut un Marica, un Contra, Dorel Stoica (demon si inger, dar mai mult demon) si cam atat.

18 mar. 2009

Disappointed and Sad

Dear foreign friends and readers of this blog, I live with the disappointment and sadness not to be able to continue (at least for a while) to post in English, because in the moments of anger, I`ve realized that I can`t express at the right level my feelings. That`s why, I`ll continue writing in Romanian. I promiss to you, this is only a temporarly measure. I thought that I be able to write on every theme in English, but was wrong. Until I`ll improve my English language knowledges, I`ll switch on Romanian. Promiss I`ll turn back to English... Hope Soon!

10 mar. 2009

Another harsh criticism to political class adress

I`ve had the intention to write this article for over a month, but only now I`m doing it. This article will speak out about a law proposition which came from 2 Members of Parliament from Cluj country, and it`s talking about the keeping of all properties which had belonged to Greek-Catholic Church by the Ortodox church (law 368/2007).

Greek-Catholic`s Church properties were sequestrated by the Law Decree 348 / 1 december 1948, through which, all properties of Greek-Catholic Church were taken by the state and were given to Orthodox Church, and the entire ierarchy (bishops, archbishop , and priests) was arested.

After the fallen of the comunist regime, in December 1989, were given many laws which stipulate that all the properties who belonged to Greek-Catholic Church should be returned. But, the Orthodox Church refuses to give back the churches, reason for what, many churches are subject of dispute issue in Justice, even at European Court of Human Rights from Haga.

I`m not going to hide or deny that I`m a Greek-Catholic, but not this is the theme of the present article. The theme of this article is a debate on the law proposition 368/2007.

It seems that after 20 years spent from the so called "Romanian Revolution", which brought once with the freedom of speech, also the freedom of show clearly the religious confession, and gave the freedom of Greek-Catholicism, in our Parliament still continue to exist some comunists, who forgot about the laws given which say that all the properties of Greek-Catholic Church taken by force in December 1948 should be restituted in integrum. They now try, incited by the Metropolitan Seat of Transiylvania of Orthodox Church from Cluj-Napoca to give this law in order not to return all the properties taken.

I would like to remember to this 2 Members of the Parliament to read the History of Romania and about the major importance of Greek-Catholic Church, in Transylvania, from it`s foundation (1701) till the Great Unification from 1 December 1918 and not only, till 1 December 1948. In 2 and half centuries of history, the Greek-Catholic Church was the defender of political and civil rights of romanians, fighting for the recognition of this rights for them. They also, through "Scoala Ardeleana" and it`s leader, Petru Maior, Gheorghe Sincai, tried to convince the political power in Transylvania about the continuity of latinity in Transylvania through the romanians, in order to receive the rights. Another fight of romanians was the "Memorandum Movement", which asked from authorities same rights for romanians. This movement has been led by the bishops of both churches, Greek-Catholic and Orthodox, and the political and clerical elites of Greek-Catholic Church were involved: Gheorghe Pop de Basesti, Stefan Cicio Pop...

Don`t forget please, that, maybe, without Greek-Catholic Church, Romania wouldn`t have been what is today. The Greek-Catholic Church teached romanians to write, read, account, the national conscience, also, the person who had read "The Proclamation of Unification" in 1 Decedmber 1918 was the Bishop Iuliu Hossu. And there were also other politicians, like Iuliu Maniu and Alexandru Vaida-Voevod who served Romania`s interest, were Greek-Catholics.

Do not ignore the historical importance of this church in Romania`s history, just because you want some properties, churches, lands or houses.

So, this law would be against Human Rights, (right of show publicly your religion), against Romanian Constitution. Shame on you, dear Members of Parliament for trying to keep down the democracy and the restitution of the properties which belonged and belong to Greek-Catholic according to the law.

8 mar. 2009

Dreams & Revelations

Yesterday, while I was taking my shower and I had a revelation. I was dreaming how would be if I would have 10.000 or 100.000 euro, or what I would do with this ammount of money. I`ve decided quickly about the destination of the money. I surely would do a second-hand bookshop, and I would go at the mayor of Targu Mures for ask the permission to sell books on the streets, on stands.

In this way, when everyone is running because the lack of time, people would appreciate if they see something interesting only by looking, even for a moment and would buy it. I`ve seen tis kind of second-hand bookshops in Sibiu, in 2004, in Timisoara, this year. The pictures above are from Tokyo and Lyon. Something similar I would like to do.

Saturday, 7th of March, I`ve seen the teathre show "Vagina Monologues". My opinion about this show is that everyone should see it, because it gives anyone a perspective about women feelings and emotions. In the same time, the show give men an idea about women inner livings and how they should be understood, treated, respected, looked from every point.

7 mar. 2009

Discrimantion or Not... ŢIGAN vs RROM... ŢIGAN... I believe it is not the case

Last days I`ve heard about a campaign brought by a national newspaper, sorry I don`t remember which, campaign which proposes or doubts the usage of the term "rrom" for the one of "ţigan", equivalent of gipsy.

In our country, was adopted a law which says that in order not to discriminate the members of this ethnicity, we should call them "rrom". But, every country from Europe, uses the equivalent of "ţigan", or gipsy when they talk about the members of this ethnic group. Italians call them ZINGARI, english is GIPSY, germans ZIGEUNER, spanish GITANO, french GITANE.

It`s not fair to tell them "RROM", when the members of this ethnicity are comitting crime crimes, rapes, steallings, plunders. They don`t work, are lazy, live from bagging and they rarely wash (the big majority of this group).

Because of this confusion, RROM vs ROMANIAN, the big group of romanian who are working hard in Italy , are attacked on streets of Rome. So I believe, we should return to the old name of this ethnicity... ŢIGAN.

I argue my reasons, by telling that is not the "tradiţia şi cultura Rrom" but the "tradiţia şi cultura ŢIGĂNEASCĂ". I don`t contest or I`m not saying that their tradition is (dances, clothes, language) not beautiful, contrarly, but in the middle of this ethnic group exists a very high deliquence, because of poverty. There are, rich gipsy, the ones who have a traditional job, these are in very little number ... goldsmith, silversmith, bear leader, for exemple, who live fairly, respecting the laws.

It's not discriminative to call them with the equivalent of gipsy, when the name of this ethnic grup for hundred years was ŢIGAN.

I consider myself a very normal guy, not dscriminative at all. This articol is my oppinion about this campaign, and how this ethnic group should be called.